2023 Livestock Auction Results
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2023 Livestock Auction Results

FirstName LastName FFA Sale Order Species BUYER Price
Colby Stanley Deer Park FFA Grand Champion
Steer Jeff Bowen $50,000.00
CoriRae Charo Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Hog Hinton Investments $24,000.00
Baylee Bennett Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Goat Northcutt Travel & Mitch Ivey $11,000.00
Tanna Wendeburg Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Lamb Donna's Legacy Event Center $9,500.00
Faith Olson Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Rabbits Rob and Linda Bailey $5,000.00
McKenna Rankin La Porte FFA Grand Champion Broilers Northcutt Travel Agency/ Brenda Davis $4,500.00
Addison Sanders Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Turkey Hen Oates Industries $4,500.00
Addison Sanders Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Turkey Tom Northcutt Travel Agency $6,500.00
Jake Linney Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Ag Mechanics Down South Roofing & Construction $3,500.00
Priyanna Trevino Pasadena FFA Grand Champion Floral Design Paula Smith $3,500.00
Joshua Washington P. Memorial FFA Grand Champion School Art Northcutt Travel Agency $4,500.00
Cadie Jones P. Memorial FFA Grand Champion Food Southern Styles Carports & Awnings $2,000.00
Colby Stanley Deer Park FFA Grand Champion Photography Beth Leathers $2,200.00
Bella Cortez La Porte FFA Reserve Champion Steer ILA $16,500.00
Evan Luke Mexicano Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Hog Northcutt Travel Agency $6,000.00
Tanna Wendeburg Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Goat Donna's Legacy Event Center $7,500.00
Raegan Ball C. Springs FFA Reserve Champion Lamb Industrial Ground Maintenance $8,000.00
Hadley Walker Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Rabbits Jeff Bowen $4,000.00
Angelee Calzonzint Pasadena FFA Reserve Champion Broilers Mitch Ivey $5,000.00
Rylen Votion Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Turkey Hen Rockn4D Ranch, Lone Star Promo Products, Beth Leathers $3,250.00
Addyson Tullis Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Turkey Tom Clark Freight-Dunavant-Kaneka $3,500.00
Brooklyn Anderson Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Ag Mechanics Patti Sims & Jimmy Allyn $3,750.00
Abigail Wilson Deer Park FFA Reserve Champion Floral Design Michael Wycough $1,500.00
Estefania Longoria Sam Rayburn FFA Reserve Champion School Art Grambow Gray Family $4,000.00
Rebecca Branch La Porte FFA Reserve Champion Food Southern Styles / Bittick Tree Service $2,750.00
Selene Diaz Pasadena FFA Reserve Champion Photography First Sip Liquor $1,750.00
Sophia Dykes C. Springs FFA Third Place Steer ILA $9,500.00
Baileigh Arevalo Deer Park FFA Third Place Hog Jeff Bowen $5,000.00
Abigail Wilson Deer Park FFA Third Place Goat StrongholdCompanies $5,000.00
Talyn Hayman La Porte FFA Third Place Lamb Joel Campbell English $2,500.00
Kari Taylor Deer Park FFA Third Place Rabbits Ehvon Pace $4,000.00
Brailee Wood Deer Park FFA Third Place Broilers Northcutt Travel Agency and Brenda Davis $2,000.00
Addyson Tullis Deer Park FFA Third Place Turkey Hen South Houston Chamber of Commerce $1,200.00
Branom LaReau P. Memorial FFA Third Place Turkey Tom Retired US Marshall Gary Blankenship $2,100.00
John Gonzales Jr Deer Park FFA Third Place Ag Mechanics Councilman Dolan Dow $750.00
Allisen Ambrosio Sam Rayburn FFA Third Place School Art David & Tina Bookout $2,500.00
Ella Perez Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Steer Northcutt Travel and Mitch Ivey $17,000.00
Cole Schoen Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Hog Owens Charolais & Jeff and Linda Woodall $3,000.00
Elvis McRee Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Goat Genox Transportation $1,750.00
CoriRae Charo Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Lamb McClain Ranch $2,500.00
Addison Register Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Rabbits Asco Equipment $600.00
Rebecca Branch La Porte FFA Fourth Place Broilers Oates Industries $1,500.00
Branom LaReau P. Memorial FFA Fourth Place Turkey Hen Hinton Investments $2,000.00
Payton Tullis Deer Park FFA Fourth Place Turkey Tom Impervious Roofing $1,100.00
Lillian Turner C. Lake FFA Fourth Place Ag Mechanics James and Stephanie Adams $1,300.00
Julio Sosa Sam Rayburn FFA Fourth Place School Art Joel Campbell English $1,500.00
Abygail Lopez Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Steer Linebarger & Mease $8,000.00
Kendal Harris Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Hog Stock Show Hooligans $2,000.00
Addison Sanders Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Goat A Bar T Cattle Company $2,500.00
Kirstin Mudd Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Lamb Denise & Brad Scarborough $2,000.00
Reece Allison Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Rabbits Mitch Ivey $1,100.00
Presley Stone Deer Park FFA Fifth Place Broilers Beth Leathers $1,250.00
Mathew Trevino Dobie FFA Fifth Place Turkey Hen Down South Roofing & Construction $1,000.00
Mathew Trevino Dobie FFA Fifth Place Turkey Tom Down South Roofing & Construction $1,300.00
Alberto Lopez Pasadena FFA Fifth Place Ag Mechanics ILA $1,100.00
Allisyn Sockwell Dobie FFA Fifth Place School Art David & Tina Bookout- $1,750.00
Aubrey McKay Deer Park FFA Sixth Place Steer Hinton Investments $8,500.00
Rebecca Branch La Porte FFA Sixth Place Hog Poor Boys & McClain Ranch $2,500.00
Ashlyn Gray C. Springs FFA Sixth Place Goat McClain Ranch $2,000.00
Tatum McClain La Porte FFA Sixth Place Lamb Clark Freight-Dunavant-Kaneka $1,000.00
Isac Mata P. Memorial FFA Sixth Place Rabbits Industrial Ground Maintenance $1,400.00
Mathew Trevino Dobie FFA Sixth Place Broilers Asco Equipment $1,000.00
Sadie Jones Dobie FFA Sixth Place Turkey Hen Sam and Peggy $2,500.00
Harleigh Anders Sam Rayburn FFA Sixth Place Turkey Tom S&M Cookers $1,200.00
Dakota Brown Deer Park FFA Sixth Place Ag Mechanics First Sip Liquor $3,000.00
Tadeo Martinez Hernandez Sam Rayburn FFA Sixth Place School Art Lone Star Promo - Rockin 4D Ranch $2,000.00
Addisyn Stanley Deer Park FFA Seventh Place Steer Larry Taylor-297 $16,000.00
Lilyan Ford Deer Park FFA Seventh Place Hog Northcutt Travel Agency & Mitch Ivey $2,000.00
Charlee Chavez Deer Park FFA Seventh Place Goat Texas Roofing & Construction $2,500.00
Royce Martinez La Porte FFA Seventh Place Lamb Donna's Legacy Event Center $2,000.00
Riley Wilson P. Memorial FFA Seventh Place Rabbits David Bookout & Bobby & Tina Moore $1,300.00
Hadley Walker Deer Park FFA Seventh Place Broilers Billy Lott $1,100.00
Angelina Paquinto Dobie FFA Seventh Place Turkey Hen Lone Star Promo - Rockin 4D Ranch Beth Leathers $1,100.00
Rylen Votion Deer Park FFA Seventh Place Turkey Tom Owens Charolais $700.00
Mikayla Anthony C. Lake FFA Eighth Place Steer Grambow Gray Family $9,500.00
Ainsleigh Arevalo Deer Park FFA Eighth Place Hog ILA $2,250.00
Sophia Dykes C. Springs FFA Eighth Place Goat ILA $2,100.00
Rebecca Branch La Porte FFA Eighth Place Lamb Beth Leathers - Poor Boys $1,200.00
Avery Robinson C. Springs FFA Eighth Place Rabbits Constable Phil Sandlin $1,100.00
CoriRae Charo Deer Park FFA Eighth Place Broilers Hinton Investments $1,600.00
Kari Taylor Deer Park FFA Eighth Place Turkey Hen Lone Star Promo $1,100.00
Kari Taylor Deer Park FFA Eighth Place Turkey Tom Northcutt Travel Agency & Mitch Ivey $1,400.00
Royce Martinez La Porte FFA Ninth Place Steer Genox Transportation $8,500.00
Kayleigh Hatcher C. Falls FFA Ninth Place Hog David Gressett $2,750.00
Audrey Alcorn C. Lake FFA Ninth Place Goat Clear Lake FFA Buyers $3,000.00
Brooklyn Anderson Deer Park FFA Ninth Place Lamb Mitch Ivey $1,300.00
Maggie Lin C. Lake FFA Ninth Place Rabbits Billy Lott $1,000.00
Tessi Kohutek Deer Park FFA Ninth Place Broilers Deer Park Lumber $1,100.00
Hunter Ford Dobie FFA Ninth Place Turkey Hen Sam and Peggy $3,500.00
Dayami Gutierrez Sam Rayburn FFA Ninth Place Turkey Tom Chris & Shayla Northcutt, Lynn Font, Northcutt Travel, Brenda & Terry Davis $1,200.00
Courtney Wolters La Porte FFA Tenth Place Steer AJ English - Dock & Ladders $7,500.00
Kirstin Mudd Deer Park FFA Tenth Place Hog Madi Wallace $2,000.00
Laynie Waskow Deer Park FFA Tenth Place Goat Travis Davis State Farm $1,900.00
Kendal Harris Deer Park FFA Tenth Place Lamb Poor Boys $2,000.00
DeVan Thomas Dobie FFA Tenth Place Rabbits Jim Dutton $1,000.00
Rylee Gascon P. Memorial FFA Tenth Place Broilers Paul & Kathy Leteff, Councilman Dolan Dow, Woodforest Wealth, JoDe Mann $1,400.00
Payton Tullis Deer Park FFA Tenth Place Turkey Hen Northcutt Travel, Lone Star Promo Products, Cindy Davis, Brenda & Terry Davis $700.00
Ashlynn Luedecke C. Springs FFA Tenth Place Turkey Tom Down South Roofing & Construction $1,600.00
Reece Allison Deer Park FFA Eleventh Place Steer Rockin SS Ranch $8,000.00
Cody Gonzales Deer Park FFA Eleventh Place Hog FAB Industries $3,000.00
Kendal Harris Deer Park FFA Eleventh Place Goat Tab & Stephanie Brown, Denise & Brad Scarborough $1,700.00
Nathan Barrera C. Springs FFA Eleventh Place Lamb Poor Boys $2,250.00
Hailey Butland Dobie FFA Eleventh Place Rabbits Mitch Ivey $1,300.00
Lilyan Ford Deer Park FFA Eleventh Place Broilers Rockn4D Ranch, Lone Star Promo Products, Northcutt Travel, Brenda & Terry Davis $2,200.00
Ciera Hall Dobie FFA Eleventh Place Turkey Hen Deer Park Lumber $800.00
Hunter Ford Dobie FFA Eleventh Place Turkey Tom Owens Charolais $3,750.00
Addison Sanders Deer Park FFA Twelfth Place Steer Grambow Gray $13,000.00
Trent Schoen Deer Park FFA Twelfth Place Hog Clark Freight Lines $3,500.00
Katherine Henry C. Springs FFA Twelfth Place Goat Jack Pennington with ILA $2,250.00
Reese Yaple Deer Park FFA Twelfth Place Lamb Poor Boys $2,000.00
Presley Stone La Porte FFA Twelfth Place Rabbits Asco Equipment $1,500.00
Kinley Rankin La Porte FFA Twelfth Place Broilers A Bar T Cattle Company & Naegeli Transportation $2,250.00
Marissa Trevino Sam Rayburn FFA Twelfth Place Turkey Hen Mitch Ivey, Beth Leathers, Rockn4D Ranch, Lone Star Promo Products, Northcutt Travel, Brenda & Terry Davis $1,700.00
Myriah Mondragon Sam Rayburn FFA Twelfth Place Turkey Tom Mitch Ivey, Beth Leathers, Rockn4D Ranch, Lone Star Promo Products, Northcutt Travel, Brenda & Terry Davis $2,000.00
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